
"The West is a place full of opportunities... for those lucky or crazy enough"

- Pisco

Rattlesnakes is a game in the like of the Spaghetti Western films of the 60´s and 70's.

One person represents The West, as wild as it can be. The landscape is treacherous, and full of people who live and die by the gun.

Everybody else are the Plainsmen, desert-dwellers and dust-eaters who have nothing to lose. They can represent as much Plainsmen as they like.


When giving a try at situations where the outcome is uncertain, pick and roll one dice from your Tough pool:
1-3: failure4-5: partial success (sometimes entail a negative effect)6: success
Keep aside the dice rolled. If the Though pool is depleted, it is time to make camp and rest.
you can continue making tests if necessary, but they will only result in a partial success at 6.
Sleeping for the night resets your Though pool. You start a new day fresh again.

Your Guts pool represent your ability to turn one aspect of the scene in your favor. It can be a rock loose enough, a wheel who splints, or knowing when something is going to happen one second before.
After one dice from the Guts pool is rolled, it is kept aside for the rest of the adventure.
On a result of 4-6, you have the chance to change one aspect of the scene. On a 1-3, the scene remains the same.

In the toughest of situations, or if the prospect is daunting enough, you can "raise" the odds by asking for a re-roll on a test, previous to perform it.
You can raise any number of times. However, each raise will mean an extra difficulty in the future.

On a fight, a success and partial success is a hit, reducing one point from the objective's current Tough value. Actions performed on a fight does not affect your tough pool.
Anybody with 0 Tough is beaten enough. A new hit will result in death.


Plainsmen are represented through 2 stats:

Tough: stamina, reflexes, endurance, and how many shots you can resist before biting the dust.Guts: instinct, sharpness, and your hability to turn events in your favour.
You also have a Reputation, which represents how much you are wanted (or steemed). Reputation always begin at 0 at the start of the adventure.
If feeling lucky, start with 2.

To create your Plainsmen, you have 6 points to distribute between Tough and Guts. Maximum is 5, minimum 1.

You start with 2d6 dollars, a six-shooter, a horse and a hat.
Also, come up with a background, and one item you bring with you.

The West

you are da west. period.
(under construction)